Thank you to the current year partners who make this
program possible.
The Alaska Business Development Center is grateful for all Volunteer Tax and Loan Program supporters. The generous support the program receives allows services to be available to communities in hard-to-reach areas, and has for the past twenty-seven years.
Akhiok-Kaguyak, Inc. | Akiachak Native Community | Aleutian Pribilof Islands Association |
Algaaciq Native Village | Arctic Slope Regional Corporation | Belkofski Tribal Council |
Bethel Native Corporation | Bristol Bay Native Corporation | Calista |
Central Bearing Sea Fishermen’s Association | Chignik Lagoon Village Council | City of Akhiok |
City of Atqasuk | City of Elim | City of Gambell |
City of King Cove | City of Newhalen | City of Nome |
City of Nuiqsut | City of Port Heiden | City of Saint Michael |
City of Shaktoolik | City of Wainwright | Coastal Villages Region Fund |
Copper River Native Association | Credit Union 1 | Donlin Gold |
Doyon, Limited | Elim Native Corporation | First National Bank Alaska |
GCI Communication Corp | Global Credit Union | Hoonah Indian Association |
King Cove Corporation | Kodiak Native Area Association | Koniag, Inc. |
Long House Hotel | Naqsragmiut Tribal Council | Native Village of Akhiok |
Native Village of Ouzinkie | Native Village of Port Heiden | Native Village of Savoonga |
Native Village of Shaktoolik | Native Village of Unalakleet | Nunamiut Corporation |
Old Harbor Native Corporation | Ouzinkie Native Corporation | Panarqukuk Store |
Qawalangin Tribe of Unalaska | Saint Mary’s Native Corporation | Saint Michael IRA |
Shishmaref Native Corporation | Sitnasuak Native Corporation | Stebbins Native Corporation |
Stuyahok, Limited | Tanana Chiefs Conference | The Aleut Corporation |
True North FCU | Unalakleet Native Corporation | Wells Fargo Foundation |
Yukon Delta Fisheries Development Association |