Personal Donations are accepted year-round. Donate directly through our secure portal here:
Or, mail your check to: Alaska Business Development Center 840 K Street, Suite 202 Anchorage, AK 99501
Employer Matching Gifts provides an opportunity to increase the value of your financial contribution or volunteer hours. Review your employer’s philanthropy program and submit your request form today.
If you shop through Amazon, consider using AmazonSmile. By selecting ABDC as your AmazonSmile organization, Amazon will donate .5% of the purchase price to ABDC — no cost to you! Sign in to your Amazon account to get started.
Make a charitable contribution directly to ABDC through your PFD with Pick.Click.Give. To add or change your P.C.G. donation, visit Pick.Click.Give.
Link your Fred Meyer Rewards Card to ABDC and Fred Meyer will make a corporate donation based on purchases. You will still receive your rewards points, rebates and fuel points. Register your rewards card and begin supporting today.